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Expressions, Portraits and Close-ups Megapack


See below for a list of the included poses.
4150MB. A big collection of freeform expression poses. 2000+ photos.
This Session contains the Jenni Expressions Session. No need to buy both.

At the end of our photo shoots we have the models do some expressions or portraits. We usually don't give any further directions so the results showcase the unique personalities of the models themselves. This collection brings together photos from about 17 years of us doing that. It features a diverse collection of male and female creative models in a couple different styles of lighting.

The photos shown here are just a sampling taken somewhat at random (I chose every 10th photo). Please see those samples to get a feel for the contents but remember it is only 1/10th of the total number of photos!

Things You Should Know

Because the photos were taken over a long time, the resolution varies from a low of around 4 megapixels to a high of about 45 MP. The median is about 12 MP.

Some of these photos have appeared in other sets, so you might have some of these already.

Some models are better than others at improv and there may be a fair amount of repetition.

Note: these photos are not clickable


Sessions can be downloaded up to 5 times for 120 days after purchase. There are 24 full-size photos for every pose, unless otherwise noted in the description. For example, a session that shows 10 poses below would contain 240 photos.

Expressions, Portraits and Close-ups Megapack $49.99 Click a photo to enlarge it. Click the Show All Angles link to see all the photos included with a pose. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the book number in which the pose appears.

Expressions, Portraits and Close-ups Megapack $49.99


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