Be a Part of Art History
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- Sales to customers around the world--America, Australia, Europe, India, China... and many more.
Artists all around the world use our photos to practice or create finished works of art. If you visit any
major art sales website that includes nudes, you will probably find work that used our photos as
a reference. Models who work with us truly become a part of art history.
» Important: Please let us know what you are
comfortable shooting.
1) Non-nude
It's rare, but we occasionally shoot non-nude, which includes "Implied".
You may be nude in the studio but the photos will not show the genitals or breasts.
2) Classical Nude
Primary Style, please read carefully.
Art Class modeling. Some poses will show genitals because we photograph in 360-degrees,
see examples below.
Please confirm you are comfortable with this much exposure before booking a shoot.
Classical Nude poses can be revealing in rotation.
3) Anatomy
If you are also comfortable with close-ups of the genitals, please
let us know.
We don't shoot this often because fewer people are comfortable with it, but it can
be a useful
anatomy reference.
» Important! Things to Do Before a Shoot
The following list is critical to a successful shoot,
which can produce 2000+ images, all of which need to be fully edited.
I apologize if some or all of these are obvious. We mention them because of problems
encountered in actual shoots. No offense is intended.
The following things should be done before arriving to the shoot.
- Please wear very light "natural-looking" makeup to the shoot, enough
to reduce shine from the strong lights. (Men: we can do this at the shoot.)
- Please wear loose clothing without tight elastic bands on the way to the shoot
to avoid leaving marks on the skin.
- Please, no perfumes or colognes. Deodorant is fine... great, in fact!
- Please remove any bright nail polish from fingers and toes. White, pink, clear or similar is OK.
- Remove piercings when possible.
- Get plenty of rest before the shoot; some of the poses can be surprisingly difficult
to hold.
- If you ordinarily shave, please do your best to minimize shaving bumps!
- Good hygiene makes for a good shoot (soap and antiperspirant are our friends).
- Remember to clean out-of-the-way places like the bottom of the feet, pubic area,
under arms.
Please check this during the shoot every few poses, because we sometimes take
photos like this.
If your labia or penis might be visible in a pose, check there as well.
Having to edit out underarm lint, stuck-on bath
tissue, or bodily secretions is gross (and far too common). Please don't make me do it!
- Moisturize dry skin before the shoot; knees and heels are typical trouble spots.
- A pair of slippers or flip-flops are nice to have, also a pair of plain heels.
- Hair should be clean and manageable. No styling is needed before the shoot.
- It helps to keep checking some of these things during a shoot.
In summary, we are looking for distraction-free models for our artists, with the
absolute minimum possible photo editing.